
Here you'll find links concerning Shell Extensions. You wouldn't have expected any other links here, would you?

If you click any of these links, a new window will pop open, so you don't have to use the back button all the time if you're interested in more than one of these links.

Some programs also have shell extensions as extra's. Some downloadable examples:

There are some other sites devoted to Shell Extensions. I will add links but don't know when.

there is the odd possibility that you know of shell extensions that are not on the list. Please, and I repeat: PLEASE let me know, also Where to find them. I'll download them and test them in order to add them to the list. By the way. This list will be undergoing a continuous flow of maintainance work. I hope one day to have a list here that not only links shell extensions, but also rates them and describes them. For now it's just links.

so here's my e-mail address....